Tuesdays 7:30pm – Bible Study
Author: Ltforce
Sunday School Ministry
The House Of Prayer Teaching Department is committed to fostering spiritual growth, nurturing faith and building the body of Christ, one soul at a time, for God’s Kingdom, by rightly dividing the word of truth. We stand by the word of God in 2 Timothy 2:15 that says, “Study to shew thyself approved unto God,...
Media Ministry
The Media Ministry provides services related to the audio, visual, print, photography and telecommunications. Services included in this ministry are:
Men of Excellence
Men’s ministry is all about spreading and celebrating the word of God among brothers. It encourages men to be their best, promoting right action, responsibility and the fulfillment of duty in the service of the highest Christian ideals
Women of Wisdom
The Women OF Wisdom is a fellowship of all women at The House of Prayer. We represent the Proverbs 31 Women of our generation. Building and teaching one another in Christ. This fellowship is open to every woman in the church and all those who would like to fellowship with us. Vision/Mission: Our mission is...
Choir Ministry
One voice, the choir at THOP aspires to win more souls for Christ through its Spirit-led praise and worship by anointed choristers and musicians, please join us and encounter a life-changing experience.
Ushers Ministry
Our goals in the Usher Ministry are: Ushers have a goal of minimizing distractions during the music and sermon. Ushers stand ready to assist anyone in the congregation who might need help, to aid latecomers in finding a seat, and to inform those in the sanctuary of any urgent matters.
Youth Ministry
“Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.”Timothy 4:12 Through the House of Prayer, we provide opportunities for our youths to put their trust in Jesus Christ and learn to faithfully follow Jesus Christ....
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